Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. | UIA

Cultural Hidden IDentities ReAppear through Networks of WaTer – CULTURAL H.ID.RA.N.T.
The project "Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T." is implemented in the framework of the 5th call of the European funding program Urban Innovative Actions.
The proposal’s title is “Cultural Hidden IDentities ReAppear through Networks of WaTer - CULTURAL H.ID.RAN.T” and it aims to promote the Hadrian's Aqueduct as a unique monument of culture and nature for the wider area of Halandri.
This is a project of great local and cultural value as it aims to highlight Hadrian's Aqueduct as part of the cultural heritage of the Municipality of Halndri and the wider area. The project will utilize Hadrian’s Aqueduct as a cultural and environmental Common for the city beyond the usual "attraction" approach. Water becomes the medium of cultural heritage and vice versa cultural heritage (through Hadrian’s Aqueduct) leads to the sustainable re-use of water in the city.
For this purpose, Cultural H.ID.RAN.T. includes three basic actions:
1. Highlighting the cultural heritage and the relationship of the city with water, through the creation of a historical (digital and physical) archive, festivals, cultural activities and historical walks, the promotion of multiple levels through the relationship of culture and everyday life in the city.
2. Prominence of the aqueduct monument itself through the renovation of 8,500 sq.m. concerning the connection between the most important point of Hadrian’s Aqueduct at the area of “Synoikismos” and the city centre, regarding the banks of “Rematia” stream and other urban interventions at the local level.
3. Distribution of the common good of water to the community through the construction of a 5km long irrigation network as well as with water trucks / routes to other parts of the city, where the network does not reach. Creation of a solidarity water community.
The coordinator of the project is the Municipality of Halandri, which along with EYDAP SA, inspired the excellent idea of promoting the Hadrian's Aqueduct in a strategy of defending the cultural heritage and upgrading the public space.
The project team includes, in addition to the Municipality of Halandri, EYDAP and commonspace, the Institute of Regional Development of Panteion University, the company of Architecture and Urban Design Thymio Papayannis and Associates Inc. - TPA, the MEDINA Institute (Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos), the innovative AMKE "Ohi Pezoume" (UrbanDig Project) and the Ephorate of Antiquities of Eastern Attica.
Commonspace mainly participates in the project as responsible for participatory planning, due to our rich experience in integrated projects regarding participation of neighborhood residents, students, but also local businesses in all phases of the project.
So far, participatory design workshops have been implemented in the 6th Gymnasium, 7th Gymnasium (Middle Schools), 4th Lyceum (High School) and 12th Elementary School of Halandri.
For more information follow the link
Municipality of Halandri
Funded by:
Urban Innovative Actions
• Municipality of Halandri
• East Attica Ephorate of Antiquities
• Regional Development Institute – Panteion University
• Thymio Papayannis and Associates inc. (TPA)
• Mediterranean Institute of nature and Anthropos (MEDINA)
• UrbanDig Project
• Commonspace Co-op
Project team:
Sofia Tsadari - coordination
Eleni Mougiakou
Giorgos Velegrakis
Giouli Athousaki
Anastasia Christaki
Daphne Andritsou
Emmy Karimali