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Sat, 09 Apr
Our stories in Nice!
On Saturday, 9/4/2022 at 11:00-13:00, at the 17th of August Square (Osias Xenis Church) in Nice, a final event will be held in the framework of the Participatory Planning workshops implemented in the 2nd Primary and 2nd GEL of Nice for the 100Memories project
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See other events'Ωρα & Τοποθεσία
09 Apr 2022, 11:00 – 13:00
Nikaia, Nikaia 184 50, Greece
Σχετικά με την εκδήλωση
On Saturday, 9/4/2022 at 11:00-13:00, at the August 17th Square (Hosias Xenis Church) in Nice there will be a final event at context of the Participatory Planning workshops implemented in the 2nd Primary and 2nd GEL of Nice for the project:
"100Memories: Integrated action of physical and digital documentation and promotion of the Asia Minor refugee memory"
Come to:-look at the work we did with the children in the workshops! - let's dance Asia Minor dances! - let's discuss the project and the history of our neighborhood in the last 100 years! - let's play together a game of collective mapping and telling of our memory in the neighborhood! -we listen to stories from Asia Minor, from the teacher and storytellerEleana Khatzakis!
*poster Sylvain Adam
**The project "100Memories: Integrated action of physical and digital documentation and promotion of the Asia Minor refugee memory" with the acronym "100memories" and code T2EDK-04827, is implemented within the framework of the National Scope Action "RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE SECOND CYCLE" of EPANEK 2014-2020, BUSINESS PROGRAM COMPETITIVENESS•ENTREPRENEURSHIP•INNOVATION, NSF 2014-2020
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