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ISL - Forming interdisciplinary Island Communities of Practice operating for sustainable cultural tourism models

ISL is a small-scale project funded by the Erasmus Plus programme aiming at introducing participatory practices in forming island cultural tourism models in all participating countries. In more detail, this goal is met by highlighting the role of local actors in promoting sustainable cultural tourism practices with an emphasis on local values and the authenticity of island regions. 


Germany, Greece, Italy, Cyprus


2022-2023 (12 Months)


This project has received funding from the Erasmus plus programme, small scale partnerships under the code KA210-ADU-6B12071A.

Project team

Dionisia Koutsi / Eleni Mougiakou - Project Managers

Dionisia Koutsi

Eleni Mougiakou

Sofia Tsadari

Melina Vlachou

The objectives are the following:

  • to build capacity of partners to collaborate transnationally and through participatory practices;

  • to provide innovative high quality participatory tools for islanders to support active EU citizenship;

  • to raise awareness and activate local communities and responsible stakeholders for their cultural identity, cultural awareness and their social and historical heritage;

  • to foster team and community building on island level;

  • to support social and terrestrial cohesion of island communities.

In fact, partners from Germany (Cocreation Foundation), Greece (Commonspace Coop), Italy (UniCa: Università degli Studi di Cagliari) and Cyprus (Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development - SeeD) cooperate in this project to organize in total 6 participatory workshops focusing on the elements of insularity and local sustainable cultural tourism development! The goal of these workshops is twofold aiming at all stakeholders collaboratively with the project team to map the cultural capital of their islands and through the use of participatory tools to finally built the “Island Vision” towards more sustainable tourism practices.

Through these processes, increased awareness regarding the importance of local island cultural heritage and indirectly island regions as alternative cultural tourism destinations will be promoted.

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