MINERVA: Mapping Cultural Heritage Geosciences Value In Higher Education
The MINERVA project is an Erasmus+ programme, which seeks to develop and promote innovative methods and tools for teaching, learning, and assessing Cultural Heritage in the use of Geotechnologies in Higher Education. The main goal of the MINERVA project is to support European teachers and students of Cultural Heritage in the use of Geotechnologies in creative, collaborative, and effective ways.
Specifically, the three main actions of the MINERVA project were applied to the following phases of the teaching process:
Learning: Analysis of students' learning needs, as emerged from a detailed comparison of European labor market demands and heritage-related academic profiles.
Thinking: proposing a holistic approach linking the humanities to geosciences to refine spatial thinking.
Implementation: enabling innovative teaching methods and resources in a structured course, providing a flexible and dynamic learning experience, available on the MINERVA teaching platform, specifically designed to deliver Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Commonspace collaborated closely with Dipylon Society -the Greek Partner of the project- to develop the structure and contents of the Minerva MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and to create educational material and lessons (pdf, ppt, videos, step by step exercises) on spatial analysis and GIS for Archeology.
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Greece, France, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain
2020-2022 (24 Months)
This project has received funding by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union [Project Reference: 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079559]
Project partners
University of Florence, Italy (Project Leader)
Dipylon Society, Greece
University of St. Etienne, France
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
University Nis, Serbia
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia
Project team
Eleni Mougiakou - Project Manager
Yannis Paraskevopoulos