Multiplier Event INPAD - Friday 19/11/21
Multiplier Event
“INPAD - Participatory Design in Schools: Development of an innovative methodology for public space design in and around schools”
organised by COMMONSPACE
Serafeio, City of Athens, Greece
Friday, 19th of November 2021
Friday, 19th of November 2021
13.00 - 15.30*
* Time Zone is Eastern European Time (GMT / UTC +2)
13.00 - 13.05 Giorgos Velegrakis (COMMONSPACE, Greece) - Welcome
13.05 - 13.20 Natassa Kazantzidou (IDEC, Greece) - INPAD project: Presentation of the project, its objectives, and results
13.20 - 13.35 Giorgos Velegrakis (COMMONSPACE, Greece) - O1: Teachers’ guide on participatory design for public space design
13.35 - 13.50 Rafael de Miguel González (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) - O2: Open educational platform for participatory design
13.50 - 14.05 Pascal Clerc (CY Cergy Paris Université, France) - The pedagogical and spatial issues of participatory design in schools
14.05 - 14.20 Javier Álvarez-Otero (Colegio Diocesano Pablo VI, Spain) - Participatory Design in schools: Experiences from Spain
14.20 - 14.35 Tom Cappoen (Sint-Lodewijkscollege, Belgium) - Participatory Design in schools: Experiences from Belgium
14.35 - 14.50 Anastasia Christaki (COMMONSPACE, Greece) - Participatory Design in schools: Experiences from Greece
14.50 - 15.30 Discussion/Round table between presenters and the audience
*online link here
