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Final Multiplier Event of the pilot educational program Schoolture for Climate Change at the 3rd Elementary School of Zografou

On Friday, 24/5, the final Multiplier Event of the Pilot Educational program of Schoolture for Climate Change project took place at 3rd Elementary School of Zografou!

Dozens of children, parents, neighbors and representatives of the Municipality of Zografou visited the school and the park of Agia Eleni to learn about the project, the educational program and the final design of the proposed renovation of the park of Agia Eleni by the children of the 4th grade of the school.

A special thank you to Tina Kafastakis, mayor of Zografou Municipality who honored us with her presence, the vice-mayors, councilors and other representatives of the Municipality, the teachers of the school and neighboring schools, Julie Gyftoula principal of the school, the 4th grade teachers Elena Psichari and Nikos Kavvadias, Maria Dimopoulou, the Parents and Guardians Association, the parents and children of the school for their presence and active participation both in the final event and in the duration of the program implementation.

We also thank Paramythokores who beautified our evening with a story about nature and all the beautiful songs, dances and the exhibition that the children presented to us!

See you again with the final plan of the park and other actions of its appropriation!


✍️Schoolture for Climate Change is an Erasmus+ project that attempts through its actions to highlight, document and communicate the methodologies and tools of participatory design in various stages of the educational process.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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