Fri, 18 Mar
Next LocalWatch Stop - Patras!
In the context of the implementation of the "Digital Platform for Participatory Democracy - LocalWatch" project, which is financed by the "Active Citizens Fund in Greece" program, commonspace in collaboration with Vouliwatch invites you to the 3rd Workshop on Participatory Design of Digital Tools.
'Ωρα & Τοποθεσία
18 Mar 2022, 17:30 – 19:55
Patra, Agiou Andreou 12, Patra 262 21, Greece
Σχετικά με την εκδήλωση
His laboratoriesLocalWatchcontinue their journey to the largest municipalities of the country.
Next stop Patras!
In the context of project implementation"Digital Platform for Participatory Democracy - LocalWatch", which is funded by the program"Active Citizens Fund in Greece", thecommonspacein collaboration withVouliwatchinvites you to3rd Workshop on Participatory Design of Digital Tools, theFriday, March 18, 2022, at17:30-20:00, inMarket SilverinPatras.
Municipalities open to citizens!
THEpolitical participationand thesupervision of elected representativesand principles by citizens are fundamental principles for a solid, fair and truly open democracy.
Targetof the project“Local Watch”is the creation of an online, innovative platform, in its standardsVouliwatch, which will act as a bridge of communication, control and participation between the citizens and four Municipalities of Greece: Athens, Thessaloniki, Heraklion, Patras.
The platform will provide digital tools that willco-designedby citizens through a series of workshopsparticipatory planning,tothey controltheir elected representatives and their work, tothey co-shapewith the community members of the platform the policies of the local authorities, toevaluatetheir Municipality, yesorganizevolunteering actions in their cities and to have a say inbudgetof the Municipality (participatory budget).
In the workshop you will have the opportunity to learn about the program and its goals and contribute with your knowledge and ideas to the development of the appropriate tools of the Platform.
Program of the 3rd Workshop:
17:30-18:00 | Registrations
18:00-18:15 | Presentation of the "LocalWatch" project by the Director of Vouliwatch and project manager, Stefanos Loukopoulos
18:15-19:30 | Workshop Development – Participatory Game by the commonspace team
19:30-20:00 | Presentation of laboratory results
✏️ To register participation 👉
*Current health protocols will be followed. For your entry, the presentation of a vaccination certificate is a necessary condition.
Entry is free
limited seat number
€0.00Sale ended