Proposal Approval - "In Athens"
We are pleased to announce the inclusion of our proposal "IN-ATHENS" in the Temporary List of Potential Beneficiaries of Intervention I “Research and Development from Enterprises ”of the 2nd round of the Single Action of State Aid Research, Technological Development & Innovation "RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE '.

Commonspace had submitted a research proposal along with Heritage Management e-Society - NGO , Dipylon , Geospatial Enabling Technologies "GET Ltd. "and Melissa Publishing House, entitled "Stories of an Invisible Athens " otherwise "IN-ATHENS ".
The project "Stories of an Invisible Athens" or in short "IN-ATHENS "aims to highlight and digitize the ancient and modern cultural heritage of Athens and to deepen the narratives of its streets and buildings. Through the combination of architecture, history, archeology and digital technology, we are building an attractive story telling about Athens at different levels.
See the temporary directory here: